The objective of the Post-Secondary Program (PSP) is to assist eligible Opaskwayak Cree Nation (OCN) members to gain access to post-secondary institutions and to graduate with the qualifications and skills needed to pursue individual careers.
The Post-Secondary Program provides financial assistance to eligible OCN members towards the cost of the post-secondary education, whether it is full or part-time sponsorship.
itȇnȋhcikȇwi itwȇwin kiskinohtahikȇmȃkan opȃskwȇyak otȃpwȇtamowinihk nȋkȃnȏtȇwinȋk mȋna tipȇnimisowin ni sȏhkȇpitȇnȃn mȋna ni sȋhkoskȇnȃn kȋhtwȃm kinȇnohwȃnaw mȋna ininȋwipimȃtisiewin mȋna ahcahkopimȃtisiwin ȇkwa ininȋwȃtisiwi kiskȇnihtamowin ta sȋhtoskȃscik ȇ isi pȃpȇyakocik kiskȇnihtamowin
Guided by Opaskwayak’s belief in nȋkanȏtȇwinik mȋna tipȇnimisowin, we promote and encourage the revitalization of our language, culture, spiritual, and traditional knowledge to support each individual’s learning experience.
wȃpahtamowi itwȇwin opȃskwȇyak kiskinohamȃkȇwi onascikȇwin kita tawinamowȇw ta otinamȃsonit nȇnohwȇwin mȋna ancahkopimȃtisiwin mȋna ininȋwipimȃtisiwin ȇkwa ininȋwȃtisiwina kita sȋtoskȃkot opimȃtisiwi kiskonohamȃkȇwinihk
Opaskwayak Education Services Inc. will empower individual’s lifelong learning by embracing nȇnohwȇwin, spirituality, culture and traditions.
We are guided by Opaskwayak’s belief in nȋkanȏtȇwinik mȋna tipȇnimisowin.
Deadline Dates
Deadline dates for Post-Secondary/Trades/Vocational programs are as follows:
May 31st
For the academic year, September to April – for new applicants only.
April 1st
For spring/summer terms, May to August OES continuing sponsored students
Approval of spring and summer continuing applications will be based on student monthly updates. Students who have shown commitment and dedication (assignments, papers, quizzes, mid-terms, etc.), including maintaining required GPA from previous term will be considered. If a student begins spring term and marks received from Winter term did not meet required GPA, the student sponsorship will be discontinued;
June 30th
For the academic year, September to April; for continuing OES sponsored students only.
- Continuing applications will be reviewed by the Sponsored Student Committee.
- Applications will be considered for one program only.
One Month Deadline Date for Programs With Different Start Dates Other Than September
Applications with different start dates, other than September, will be reviewed by the Sponsored Student Committee. Approval of sponsorship will be based on budget availability. Applications requesting funding for courses (not programs) 6 prior to deadline date are not eligible. They must apply through the regular sponsorship process. This includes community-based programs. Deadline date will be one (1) month prior to the start of the program.
- Change of Demographics Form
- Continuing Sponsorship Form
- Graduation Request Form
- Application for Post-Secondary Assistance
- Scholarship Form
- Pre-Sponsorship Guidelines
Staggered Program Start Dates
Content under development.
Sponsored Student Handbook
The objective of the Sponsored Student Handbook is to provide an overview of the guidelines governing the Post-Secondary Program within Opaskwayak Education Services Inc. (OES). The Post-Secondary Program includes funding resources from post-secondary funding and employment and training funding.
The Post-Secondary Program will assist eligible Opaskwayak Cree Nation (OCN) members to gain access to accredited public educational institutions and to graduate with the qualifications and skills needed to pursue individual careers.
The intent of the Sponsored Student Handbook is to provide guidelines for student supports which ultimately promotes student success.
Eligible OCN members can apply for full-time or part-time sponsorship for one of the following levels of education:
- UCEP – university/college entrance program
- Level 1 – community college programs including trades and apprenticeship
- Level 2 – university undergraduate (Bachelor) degree program
- Level 3 – university graduate (Master/Doctorate) degree program
- Community based program (formal or informal)
This handbook outlines:
- Applying and maintaining sponsorship
- Support and resources available for sponsored students and non-sponsored students
Download your Sponsored Student Handbook here.
Contact Us
Marlene G. Head B.S.W.
Post-Secondary Supervisor
Opaskwayak Educational Services Inc.
Telephone: 204-627-7472
Cellular: 204-620-1602
Fax: 204-623-2870
1-800-661-7981 (toll free)
Email: marlene.head@opased.com
Sophie Pitre
Post-Secondary Counsellor
Opaskwayak Educational Services Inc.
Telephone: 204-627-7480
Fax: 204-623-2870
1-800-661-7981 (toll free)
Email: sophie.pitre@opased.com