
Aug 31 2022


All Day

Back to School 2022/2023


Parents/Guardians of Students/Children Attending Joe A. Ross School, Oscar Lathlin Collegiate: 

On behalf of the teaching staff, we would like to welcome students, families, and the community to the 2022/23 school year. We hope all of our students enjoyed their summer break and we are excited to see new and returning faces. 

We will be welcoming students back to school on August 31, 2022. For students in grades K-8 there will be an early dismissal at 12pm. Students in grades 9-12 will have a full day of classes with registrations in the morning and their first block starting in the afternoon. 

Lines of communication are always open and we welcome parental input and feedback. If at any time, you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact the school. 

If you require any further information, please contact Karon McGillivary, Principal, Joe A. Ross School at 204-623-4286; Ron Constant, Principal, Oscar Lathlin Collegiate at 204-623-5259. 

Yours in Education, 

Bev Fontaine
Director of Education 

Click here to download a PDF of the public notice.